Resource Library


Resource Librarythe resources you need

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A Better Way

to Learn

Sigma Kappa’s Learning Center is where Sigma Kappa’s go to learn. The Learning Center is Sigma Kappa’s learning management platform. It is designed specifically for you to access online elements such as eLearning courses (Promise Program, Officer/Volunteer Training and Personal Growth) and resources to support you based on your time in Sigma Kappa.

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Can't find what you're looking for?

Any resources related to learning can be found in the Learning Center.

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More Resources

Mental Health Resources

Learn more about Sigma Kappa's mental health partners and find more resources related to mental health.


The Learning Center

Check out our Learning Center for resources related to learning.


NHC Resources

The Sigma Kappa National Housing Corporation maintains a comprehensive resource library for NHC team members, local house corporations, and house directors.
