
Women sitting together

Volunteermake an impact


Volunteer at a Local or National Level

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Sigma Kappa. To make the path to volunteering transparent, inclusive and accessible to all of our members, anyone interested in serving in a nationally appointed volunteer position must follow the steps outlined below. This approach gives opportunity for all members to be considered for volunteer positions. Our goal is ensure that all members who want to volunteer find a meaningful role to connect and support our members, chapters and Sorority.

Not sure which role(s) you might be interested in? Read the job descriptions for more information here.

Volunteers posing together

Advisory Board Supervisor Appointment Interest and Process:

  • If you are interested in being appointed for an Advisory Board Supervisor role for 2025 - 2026, please submit your information here: 2025 - 2026 ABS Appointment Interest
    • All existing Advisory Board Supervisors must go through the re-appointment process 
    • All alumnae members of Sigma Kappa are eligible to serve as Advisory Board Supervisors (Sigma Kappa volunteer experience is not necessary to apply).
  • Once interest is submitted, a Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator will connect with you to set up an interview.  Interviews will take place between October 16 and December 2.
  • Appointments are made by National Council and will be effective January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2026

If you are interested in serving on an advisory board in another capacity, please share your interest here: Advisory Board Interest. Please reach out to DVR@sigmakappa.org with any questions

Role of the Advisory Board Supervisor:

  • Supervises the chapter advisory board and communicates regularly with all advisory board members
  • Leads and attends advisory board meetings, if needed attends designated chapter meetings and functions, and ensures advisory board representation at all collegiate chapter's meetings and activities; coordinates advisory board meeting agenda where advisory board summarizes accomplishments of the officer(s) advised, upcoming chapter plans, and additional areas of needed attention in the chapter
  • Partners with district and national volunteers to support assigned chapter

National Volunteers

To submit your interest in currently vacant national volunteer positions, please complete this form and a staff member will be in touch regarding next steps. 

Make an Impact


Support Collegiate Members

Advisory board members support collegiate chapter operations by mentoring collegians, guiding the functions of a specific area and holding institutional knowledge that strengthens the chapter's future.

Provide a Home Away From Home

Chapter corporation boards and facilities committees ensure the well-being of Sigma Kappa collegians by maintaining housing facilities. They oversee the maintenance of a chapter house and handle financial and legal matters related to the property, including hiring of housing staff.

Ensure our Future

Sigma Kappa Foundation Trustees and committee members guide the work of our Foundation, supporting our Sorority and helping to ensure the future of our sisterhood. 

Lead on a National Level

National officers are appointed by national council to serve in a capacity of roles. Log in to see if a full list of national officer positions and job descriptions.

Volunteers at Convention

Volunteer Leadership

Volunteers are the heart of the current and future success of the Sorority. By giving back to Sigma Kappa, volunteers have the opportunity to help shape tomorrow’s leaders. Log in to learn more!

The Gift of Limited Time

Short-term volunteer opportunities, such as task forces, committees, and workgroups, are appointed by national council. These opportunities are typically driven by the strategic plan and needs/business of the organization. To learn more about upcoming and ongoing opportunities

Get Started


For volunteer roles such as advisory boards, chapter corporation boards, and various committees, no particular Sigma Kappa experience is required. We are looking for members with time, energy, and a passion for Sigma Kappa! We provide training throughout the volunteer experience to make sure you feel comfortable and successful in your role.

While not required, it is encouraged that national officers have two years of organizational experience. This provides the organizational knowledge and context needed for various roles. 

Sigma Kappa respects our members and the busy lives they lead. The time commitment depends on the role, the scope of work and what a volunteer's individual schedule will allow. Communication is key to managing time and work effectively. 

Every Sigma Kappa role is supported by fellow sisters volunteering their time as well. Aside from having a support network through your volunteer team, we share important information through The SKoop, our monthly newsletter for collegiate and national officers; provide training through the Learning Center, our online training platform; and host virtual and in-person training throughout the year and biennially at convention. 

Many local volunteers live near the chapter they serve, but some volunteers serve remotely as well. Travel depends on the role you hold and what's needed for that position.

More and more volunteer roles have a remote/virtual opportunity. In fact, many can be conducted 100 percent virtually. 

Micro-volunteering describes a volunteer, or team of volunteers, completing small tasks that make up a larger project. 

Gifts may be made in honor or memory of a sister, family member or loved one. Click here to learn more.

f you have additional questions, or need help with the volunteer interest process, please email volunteers@sigmakappa.org

More Information


Support the work of the organization by contributing your $35 national alumnae dues. National dues are a direct investment into our future!


Resources & Events

Resources have moved! Check out the resources and events page for the resources you need.


Alumnae Experience

Sigma Kappa membership lasts a lifetime. Sigma Kappa offers an alumnae experience that allows members to continue living and exploring our values.
