A Heartfelt Promise

Two alumnae members on the beach

A Heartfelt Promisegiving for the future


A Heartfelt Promise

Supporting Sisters

“The Sigma Kappa Foundation is embarking on a $1.874 million campaign in conjunction with our 150th anniversary. The goal is to build our scholarship program and secure funding for emergency grants to aid sisters in financial distress. We invite you to be a part of this effort.”

Sarah Nelson Womble, Delta Tau, University of Central Arkansas, A Heartfelt Promise Campaign Chair

Members hugging on the left and new graduates walking on the right

Closing the Financial Gap

Sigma Kappa Foundation wants to close the financial gap and provide a sorority experience for every woman who wants to be a Sigma Kappa. The primary way the Foundation is poised to help is through offering meaningful scholarships.

Sigma Kappa members are not immune to economic impacts. The average loan debt for Sigma Kappa scholarship applicants is $21,400 for undergraduates and nearly $40,000 for graduate students. Ninety percent of our scholarship recipients demonstrate financial need.

Scholarship Recipients

Sigma Kappa Foundation seeks to elevate its place among NPC sororities in terms of the number of scholarships we award annually. If we can exceed our goal and attain a total of 160 scholarships by the end of the 150th celebration, we will vault into the top 10 of all sororities.

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Scholarships - Your Support Matters

Your Gift

  • Helps shape criteria for existing scholarships
  • Funds scholarships not yet fully funded
  • Establishes a scholarship to benefit one’s chapter or all Sigma Kappas
  • Could create a naming opportunity for the donor or in honor of someone influential to a chapter or Sigma Kappa.

Investment Goals

  • Raise $1.65 million in new scholarship endowments 

  • Grow our number of scholarships to at least 150

  • Add scholarships for alumnae members pursuing advanced education in non-degree programs

Scholarships in Progress

Several scholarships are currently in progress, but not fully funded. To make a gift of support for one of these funds, you will see the indicator (not yet endowed) beside the scholarship name. 

Donate Now

Support through Sisterhood


"Throughout my entire journey, Sigma Kappa has always supported me in every endeavor I’ve pursued, and instilled core values that set a foundation for success.  I am incredibly thankful to Sigma Kappa for providing sisterhood, community and the scholarship that will ultimately make my aviation journey possible as I complete my flight training at United Aviate Academy."

- Tanya Chen, Lambda Delta, University of Houston

Giving More Hope

Our sister-in-need program has provided lifelines when a financial, natural, health or family crisis occurs. These helping-hand efforts let our sisters know that no matter what happens, we are always here for them. Our grant offerings include:

Sister to Sister Disaster Recovery

The Sister to Sister Disaster Recovery Fund assists Sigma Kappa alumnae and collegiate members who find themselves in financial distress due to the occurrence of a U.S. presidentially declared major disaster or emergency.

Alumnae Members

Alumnae Heart Fund

This fund provides grants to alumnae who are facing financial distress, emergency or crisis through aging, medical, natural disaster or other severe personal or family problems. 

Collegians in Grad Gear

Collegiate Emergency Fund

This fund provides grants to collegians who are facing financial distress, emergency or crisis through medical, financial or other severe personal problems that would otherwise force them to leave the organization or school altogether. 

When the pandemic began in March 2020, Sigma Kappa Foundation was immediately able to help sisters through this crisis, unlike many fraternities and sororities. The Alumnae Heart Fund, Sister to Sister Disaster Recovery Fund and Collegiate Emergency Grant process was already operating and the Foundation was able to pivot quickly to focus on providing the support our members needed.


2019 - 2023 Emergency Grants Awarded

Like the other emergency grants, the Sigma Kappa Foundation strongly believes we need a dedicated source of funding for the collegiate emergency grants. We have hesitated to promote the available emergency grants too broadly due to limited resources. Growing this fund would allow us to increase awareness of these grants.

We remain one of only 13 sororities to offer emergency funding to our members in crisis and sixth in terms of support offered annually.

Emergency Grants - Your Support Matters

Your Gift

  • Helps sisters who have been seriously affected by personal financial crisis
  • Provides a lifeline to a member to keep them in school
  • Allowing members who might not otherwise be able to participate in the Sorority experience the ability to continue

Investment Goal

Raise at least $200,000 to establish a fund dedicated to providing collegiate emergency grants. 

"Becoming a member of Sigma Kappa has been one of the best decision I have made thus far in college. I'm so grateful to be gifted with this grant so I can continue my education and commitment to my chapter. It is amazing to have such a supportive community around me; one that I consider family."

- Collegiate Emergency Grant Recipient

Learn More 

Scholarships & Grants

Visit our Scholarships & Grants page to learn more about the Sigma Kappa's Foundation dedication to providing support to our members. 


Impact statement

Learn more about our successes in the 2023-24 fiscal year and celebrate the impact of your investments in Sigma Kappa's future.


The Sigma Kappa Foundation

The Sigma Kappa Foundation exists to enhance the lives of Sigma Kappa members. Learn more about their mission and focus.
